Using posters as backdrops for your dolls…

If you take pictures of your dolls to sell their clothing, it’s fun to find a poster or even a large picture that will work as a background to enhance your outfit. Instead of just having a plain white or neutral colored background all the time, why not add a little pizzazz to your pictures using posters, or calendar pictures if your doll is small enough, and even photographs. Hobby Lobby has a large selection of posters and it’s fun to look through them imagining what your doll might look like in front of them. Even if you don’t make and sell your things, sometimes it’s just fun to have a nice background, maybe representing the season or the holiday coming up. Add a few little props and your poster instantly becomes more 3-D looking…

I’ve taken pictures of some of the posters I have and then I’ll show you how my dolls looked in front of them. I made a platform up to the bottom edge of the picture and then cropped the picture so the white edge wasn’t showing. I think you’ll see what I mean when you see my pictures.

[If you click on any picture it will enlarge.]







Now here are a few pictures of my girls in front of the backdrops…since Riley Kish is only 7 1/2″ tall, she can easily stand in front of a calendar page picture.



This next one of Riley shows what it looks like when you have your lighting wrong…see how it looks like it’s glowing behind her?



This next one of Isabelle was my favorite shot with a background…





So look around your house or the next time you go to Hobby Lobby or Wal Mart (their posters are by the lampshades and candles), take a look and see if a poster grabs you…

Now I’ve worked so hard and put in hours and hours of trying to get this lace under control, and I have a few containers almost filled. I wanted to have a little show and tell I guess… well… just mostly “show!” I used all 4 of my containers from Harbor Freight…(should’ve bought more, I guess!) They are all stacked neatly in a new cabinet my hubby moved into my sewing room. I’m going to use it for my laces, my tulle for slips, and my fingerless glove materials. I’m getting there, but I have to get back to Felicity’s dress. I’m waiting for Rebecca to make her a necklace to go with it…hopefully tomorrow…soon everyone, soon…






See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Using posters as backdrops for your dolls…”

  1. The backgrounds are beautiful! When I first started designing my doll clothing patterns back in 1993, I did something similar. I took an inexpensive window blind and painted it a light blue and added clouds. I hung it behind my dolls when I photographed them. Using the posters and calendars as you have done looks even better.

    Blessings, Beth

    1. HI Beth,
      I don’t use backgrounds too much anymore, but I think I might give it a try again with someone… it brought back lots of memories looking at them. Your blind idea sounds sweet…
      Thanks Beth,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. It looks like I’m first this morning. It’s nice to get up knowing that there’s a nice new post from you. All the organization is inspiring, and it’s nice to know where to find pretty posters.
    Some day when you have time, you might show us how to tie pretty bows for sashes. Mine tend to be crooked. I was going to ask about that before. I wonder if I did and I’m repeating myself.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      In the blogging class that I was “supposed” to take, we were supposed to learn how to upload videos to our blog… I’ve always wanted to do a bow tying video…as so many ladies are intimidated by it…it’s so easy! Maybe I’ll figure it out on my own and get it on there.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Good Morning, Jeanne,
    Those background pictures are really nice. I especially like the last one before the dolls are included. You may remember the Scenes and Setting that Pleasant Company had. My daughter received Kirsten’s for Christmas that year and still has it. Hers had very versatile pictures. I hope to find Felicity’s at some point in great shape for a reasonable price. Next time I’m at Hobby Lobby I’ll check them out.
    Felicity is such a special doll, that is why her debut dress is taking you longer than usual. *smiles* I’m sure the wait will be worth it! You could pose Reuben with a doll in front of a backdrop just for fun. =^-^= I have pictures of our dogs and cats sleeping in doll beds.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I was cleaning in my sewing room last night and when I ran across them, that’s how I got the idea for today’s post. When the posters are used right, and you get the lighting right, they really do make cute pictures.
      I had all 5 Scenes and Settings books and sold them last year. They were pretty neat, but I started doing my pictures with a simpler background and so I decided to sell them. Sometimes I wish I had kept them…or at least the pages that were my favorites. I likes Felicity’s parlor and Molly’s schoolroom.
      I hope everyone thinks the wait was worth it when I show Felicity’s dress set!
      Reuben would probably start chewing on the posters… He got in my bathroom trash again this morning and chewed the stuffing out of his bed too! Ugh! Silly puppy… He turns 6 months old tomorrow, I think…
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Finally here! I love the background scenes, but try to find something for 40’s and 50’s dolls, and it is kind of hard. I know, outdoor scenes are timeless, but a lot of them are “dreamy”, and full of flowers that work well for the dolls who have earlier timelines. I’ve got my girls dressed for school in a schoolroom setting, so it’s kid of hard to fine something for that. However, it’s just as well, I don’t have the space for keeping them up anyway. But I love them for Felicity, for sure, and Cecile!

    I’m thinking of ‘borrowing” George, if he does your laundry! He must be a real gem!

    1. HI Linda,
      I just told Laura that I loved Molly’s schoolroom in the Scenes and Settings book. I wish I could find just that one page from her book. There was so much to look at in that picture, and I probably used it more than any other scene.

      Sorry Linda, George doesn’t make house calls… to do laundry… but if you had a water heater out, or a stove that needed looking at, or a furnace that needed cleaning, or a window that needed to be glazed… he might come see you!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Great idea, Jeanne! I once took a photo of a doll in front of a monitor because I needed a beach scene with a palm tree (as you know there are none here). It worked okay, but not great. My favorite poster of yours is the one of the front porch. Thanks for the idea.

    Your laces look so inspiring organized in their own little compartments.

    Have a great and productive Monday, Jeanne!

    1. Thanks Cindy,
      I never thought of doing a picture from the computer… but mine tend to have lines in them when I do that… I guess it was just the idea of the scene, right?
      I like the front porch scene too. It’s too bad it’s not a bigger picture. I would use it a lot to show off summer dresses…

      I do love my laces all organized… at least the ones I’ve gotten done. I’m going to take off the vintage laces I have wrapped on the cards and put them in the boxes too. I didn’t even think about them discoloring on the cards. I’ll just use them for ribbons and trims and such.
      Thanks Cindy…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Ok, Girls… I just couldn’t resist. I just ordered a 13″ Diana Effner Little Darlings doll. She is not one of the hand painted ones, but she is still adorable. I can’t wait to have a new little dolly to design patterns and dress.

        Blessings, Beth

        1. Yay Beth!
          Congratulations on your new little girl… who did you get? Ana? For just drafting patterns it doesn’t matter too much, but it still is fun to have a little cutie!
          Thanks for letting us know, Beth!
          Blessings, Jeanne

          1. Her name is Mary Jo. She is wearing a cowgirl outfit and boots.

            Just ordered her shoes and socks online. Can’t wait to get my new little girl.

            Blessings, Beth

  6. The backgrounds are a neat idea. I’m afraid I’m awful at photography but maybe I would get better if I put my mind to it and did some practicing. Your laces are looking awesome! I use those containers for my beads and jewelry supplies. I Like the fact that the lids fasten pretty securely.

  7. HI Carolyn,
    I’m loving my laces all organized too! It’s nice to be able to see what I have at a glance… My daughter uses the same kind of containers for her beads and jewelry supplies too.
    Thanks Carolyn,
    Blessings, Jeanne

  8. The only posters I’ve seen at WM were of rock groups or sports figures. Maybe they are in a separate place? Have you ever tried having one of your own photos blown up to a poster size at Costco? I wonder how that might work? The price is very reasonable, I think.

  9. You have some very nice laces. I used to do some heirloom sewing and smocking, so they are very dear to me in more ways than one ($$) as I’m sure you know!!
    Your backgrounds are very nice, also. Shhhhh, you’re giving all your secrets away!

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