“Something” for everyone….

I told you the other day when my sisters were here visiting, I didn’t spend much time in my sewing room…Well, Deb is here, and I guess you noticed I didn’t get to your comments yesterday. I did make one comment later in the evening… and thank you all SO MUCH for all the sweet compliments you shared about Ten Ping’s new look and new dress. She really does wear that purple well!

I didn’t have time for sewing so I thought I’d give you something non-sewing related, but kind of…

Here are a few of my posts that might interest you…. If you ever get lost going back and forth from post to post, you can always click on the “BLOG” tab just under my header at the top, and it will bring up my most current post.

Back on September 3rd,2014, I did a post called “Details Matter ~ It’s the Little Things that make a Difference.”


You might want to check that out if you’d like to see what may help you sell your doll clothes on Ebay. You can see it by clicking HERE.

If you wonder what the insides of my dresses look like, check out Making the insides look as neat as the outside…


Just for fun, you might check out “The Dolly Toy Box.”


Would you like to see an easy tutorial on how to “restring” your American Girl doll legs? Check out this post…How to retring
your American Girl doll legs the easy way…


Would you like to see what 40 year old book I received in the mail? Click HERE.


Need a new pickle recipe? I have THE BEST RECIPE..and it came from our very own Linda… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made them… they are so easy and SO delicious! Click HERE to see Pickles and Ducks all in one post…


Want to see what you can do with tiny checked fabric? Click HERE.


Don’t forget…there’ll be a free pattern from Pixie Faire today… check it out…

Well, this should keep you busy for a while… and I’ll be visiting with Deb… ENJOY!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on ““Something” for everyone….”

  1. Jeanne, you certainly do have a lot for us to look over! I can’t believe how varied your posts are, and yet the one thing that keeps us here reading is YOU! You are the most delightful person to know, not to mention how inspirational you are. I love the dresses you sew and hearing about what is going on in your life. I hope this blog is everything you expected it to be, because it certainly is for me!

    Have a good visit with Deb, and thank you for your wonderful posts each day!

    1. Hi Linda,
      George has to get his Chemo port flushed out today, so I have some time to post a few comments.
      What sweet and very kind thoughts you shared with us today…me, especially.
      Yes, this blog has been MORE than I ever expected. The friends I have made is the best part!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. What a great post. I remember most of these and have to say they are among the most helpful. I need to take something to a party next week. Maybe Linda’s pickles are just what I need.

    I feel a little bit bad because I have to return my CYO doll. Someone on AGPT said they were beginning to look as if Wellie Wisher characteristics had been added. She might have that right. I love the cheerful self-confidence of most AGs. When my first AG, Jesse, tried on Kit’s winter skirt and blouse, my friend Nikki said, “She looks like she could move mountains while singing the ‘The Sound of Music.'” I think that’s a great image for girls and women to have — courage, confidence, and competence.

    So I’m off to FedEx today. Tomorrow is the Farmer’s Market and they have had some great cucumbers — crispy and crunchy. I’ll bet they’ll suit Linda’s pickles. They also have beautiful onions. Something good is always happening — as long as you aren’t in the path of the new hurricane. If you are, be careful and stay safe.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I was wondering which custom doll you picked, and would still like to know, but I guess it wasn’t a good mix???
      Pickles for your party would be perfect!!!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Thank you for posting all of the fun things today. Will have to read much later as we’re still working on the other house. Had a painting contractor take a look yesterday for a refresh outdoor paint job. Looks like it will be way more than we want to pay for a house we’re putting on the market, but we’ll see his numbers. Drywall person will also have an estimate soon. No idea on cost for one wall, but repairing a wall crack was a $50.00 quote (Think I will just do it myself).
    Hope you and Deb have time for some shopping or fun activity for your mom during the visit.
    And the first thing that showed up on my ebay page was a beautiful little purple Ten Ping outfit. Didn’t even have to search. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      I feel your pain with the house jobs you have to take care of!!! Yep, fix that crack in the drywall yourself and pocket the money you’ll save.
      We will have fun…I’m sure of it!
      You have a great day too…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Your variety today lends itself perfectly to a somewhat mixed up day for me….I could not get to sleep until 4 am this morning…ahh, but am getting laundry, dishes, etc., still done today…so, appreciated the variety you offered to this “don’t give me a hard to focus on subject” today. Trusting the procedure for George (chemo port being flushed) has gone well and you’re delighting in your sister’s visit.


    1. Hi Becky,
      Sorry you didn’t sleep last night…I bet you go to bed early tonight…
      George’s port flush did go well and now Deb and I are working on a project…I might share it tomorrow!
      Happy sweet dreams for you tonight…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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