~ Is it Spring Yet? ~ Samantha’s dress set is finished!

I had a very nice weekend and hope you did too. One of the best parts of mine was finishing Samantha (and Nellie’s) dress and coat set! It was good to see the end in sight and I knew if I really tried, I could get it scheduled to go on Ebay Sunday evening. It IS now! You can see it by clicking on the picture at the right side bar or your can click HERE.

Now… a few things about it…

It was a nice day outside Sunday afternoon, so I took my girls out to the brick pile and took a few pictures so you could see the “real” color of the coat fabric. I hope this helps.

The sky wasn’t quite as blue as it was the other day in the blue coats…but still they looked nice and pretty outside!

The nice weather kind of derailed the tea party they might have had… I’ll wait until it’s definitely Spring for that!

I added some bullion roses on the front of the lace… and as I see them larger in my pictures, I think I might redo the leaves… and try to make them more symmetrical… I think I can do better…

I got those sleeve headers made from some tulle and they did the trick… pulled up the sleeves and made them look less droopy!

I added some tiny 2mm pink buttons between my pintucks on the sleeves… just for fun.

My buttonholer got a workout making five tiny button holes in the back of the dress and things went along splendidly…


…wait for it…

…wait for it…

…I flipped the dress over and saw I had left baby blue thread in the bobbin… EEK!

Oh dear… there was no way I was picking out those buttonholes just to rectify something that didn’t show… but I did have to squeal on myself and tell you… :o)

I don’t think I have any other surprises to share, so how about a few more pictures.. :o)

What a pretty girl my new Samantha is… *sigh*

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “~ Is it Spring Yet? ~ Samantha’s dress set is finished!”

  1. Simply beautiful (blue thread and all)!! All the little touches you do make your outfits so special. I love the addition of the little flowers on her dress. Even your finishing is so nicely done. It may not be spring yet but you bring a little spot of spring to all of us.
    Have a good day.
    Take care.

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      The sun is shining today but it’s very cold again! I’m glad you found a little “warmth” in the girls outfits!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. How very, very lovely, Jeanne. Your girls are beaming in their beautiful new clothing. What a pretty pair they make together. As Charlotte stated, all your little touches DO indeed make your outfits so special. Again, thanks for sharing the steps with us.


    1. Thank you Becky,
      It’s so nice when most everything goes smoothly….well…until I hit the blue thread. :o)
      I’m glad you like the set and yes the girls were beaming until I took their dress and coat off.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. How pretty both of the girls look, Jeanne! I love the sweet roses on the front, and those perfect sleeves of the dress! I think even if the lace showed after the coat was put on, it would look good. Yes, it was a pretty day yesterday afternoon, and I’m sure Nellie and Samantha were happy to be outside!
    I did notice the blue thread in the one picture of the sleeve, and wondered why that was made that way, but then thought, Jeanne knows what she is doing, and let it go at that!
    All in all, this is a very pretty and springlike outfit that any doll would be thrilled to have!

    1. Thanks Linda,
      I wondered if anyone would notice the blue thread in that one shot. …guess they did! Better on bottom than on the top!!
      I should have pulled the lace on her sleeves down just a little bit I guess so it would show peeking out under her sleeve.
      It’s pretty chilly out there today isn’t it? I’m staying inside I think!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Oh the girls look so lovely in the warm winter light. Love the outdoor photos. The little pink buttons on the sleeves are a wonderful touch as are the embroidered roses down the front. Adorable.
    When I saw the light blue button holes, I immediately thought, oh it is special chalk or fabric marking. Must be the disappearing kind. No one will know the difference except your readers that is.
    You’ll get a kick out of this. Little granddaughter and mom are going to the American Girl store for her 5th birthday next month. Nanea is getting her hair done and probably pierced ears, of which I’m not a particular fan. Hope to see some pictures which I’ll share with Jeanne. 🙂
    Looking like spring around here. Many trees in bloom and flowers too. Not enough rain though.

    1. Thanks Joy,
      I hadn’t thought about everything thinking it might be disappearing pen marks…but no…it’s real thread. Ugh…I always check my bobbin but somehow this one escaped me. Oh well…

      Oh you’ll have so much fun going on a girls day out trip! Who knows you might even find a new doll for yourself!!! Oh wait…do YOU have any AG dolls? I think all of yours are “littles!”
      Glad it’s starting to look like spring somewhere!!! Maybe it will come early for us!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. I have lots of AG dolls. Just did a head count, 16. I don’t get to go to the AG store. Just grand and her mother. 🙁 It’s in Palo Alto, south of SF, far from us.

  5. The blue thread on the buttonholes is my favorite thing. True life never goes smoothly, but for the most part, who knows?
    The sunshine did change the way my computer registered the color of the coat. I was seeing it as mostly orange and now it’s much more pink.

    The dress is charming and suits your new Samantha so well. I like the sleeve buttons a lot, and the embroidered roses are a lovely touch. They match the bow that looks so nice against Samantha’s hair. In just over a week we’ll be halfway through winter and Samantha’s dress and Nellie’s coat will be on the way to their new doll to enjoy through snow or sunshine. Someone is going to be very happy with this outfit.

    1. Thanks Marilyn,
      Yes, those silly blue buttonholes… how could I have forgotten??? Oh well,
      The sun was just a wee bit too bright to suit me yesterday but it did bring the color of the coat out much better than in my sewing room.
      Samantha might not like pink in her stories, but she look wonderful in it in real life!
      Yes, we might see Spring sooner than I think… we actually had snow flurries a while ago. it’s 32 here, but the wind chill makes it feel 21…which is too cold to suit me!
      Thank you so much for your compliments on this set!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. The sunshine in your pictures make it seem a bit warmer than it really is but it won’t be so long now until the sun sends us warmth. Love the dropped waist on the dress…I hadn’t guessed it would be that style…my favorite on the AG dolls.
    If the blue thread bothers you maybe you could cover it with some pink embroidery thread sort of like the stitch you use for bullion roses? The roses are so cute down the front of the dress!
    Enjoy what sun we have?

    1. Hi Kathie,
      It was fairly warm on Saturday, but today was another story. I stayed inside all day…
      I’m glad you liked the drop waisted dress too. They are one of my favorites as well.

      The blue threads don’t really bother me…I just wanted to let everyone know just because you sew as much as I do, silly things still happen.

      I watched a few tutorials last night on making bullion roses and learned a few more things. There is a light blue dress on Ebay right now that is covered with pretty pink bullion roses and “someday” I’m going to make a dress like that….just sayin’

      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. What a pretty duo Samantha and Nellie make. Samantha’s dress is just lovely, so soft and springlike. Love the embroidery on the front, a perfect extra touch. I really like Brazilian embroidery. The sleeves are perfect as well with the buttons and little pintucks. The blue buttonholes made me laugh. I actually started looking for the blue in the fabric that the thread matched and then read it was a accident. Oh well, at least it doesn’t show.
    The corduroy coat is very pretty as well. Glad your pleased with your two new girls. I’m sure that now we will be treated to many more Victorian/Edwardian outfits in the future.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I laughed at your comment about looking for the blue flowers in the dress fabric. ..uh…not there, just a silly mistake.
      Yes, there will be many more Victorian dresses. I really do like my new pretty Samantha. I never was crazy about my first one.
      Thanks so much for your kind compliments, Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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