I think I’m going to pass on the Paola Reina dolls… :o(

Susette was kind enough to send me and “enhanced” version of the picture of my hubby and I sitting on that haybale… I really wish that night we would have noticed how the lights we had for picture taking “really didn’t help.” It’s one of my favorite pictures of us… Thanks Susette!

I woke up this morning and wanted to work on something for my new Paola Reina doll and see if the pattern I usually use for my Dianna Effner dolls might work for both. So I spent most of the afternoon working on a pretty navy and white dress…and then working most of the evening taking it apart and late into the evening putting it back together! *sigh* *sigh*

This is what I was working on…a pretty little navy print with some Swiss batiste lace sewn diagonally with white buttons down the front. First I tried it on Lian…


Then on Callie Rose…

I had to tug and pull and manipulate the sleeves because her arms are so close to her body… They are kind of rubbery vinyl too and things don’t want to slide on them. I had to swing her arms forward, slide the sleeves on, then push them all the way up to the armpits as best I could, then swing them back and keep working her arms back and forth to get her sleeves in the right position. It was the biggest headache.
Then I thought the dress looked too long in the waist on both of them and the sleeves were too skimpy.

So what did I do?

Yep, I took it all apart… I made the sleeves fuller and added a cuff this time instead of 1/8″ elastic and I shortened the waist by almost 1/2″ and I still think it’s not up to my standards…

So I did a little investigating… and a little measuring… I cut a hole out of a paper towel and kept snipping slivers off of it until I got it to fit perfectly up Callie Rose’s arm… with just a tiny bit of ease.

Then I tried that armhole on Lian…

It was huge and I knew I could never make a sleeveless dress that would fit Callie Rose’s armhole AND Lian’s (the way it should) using the same pattern. So I became even more intrigued at how some of the Little Darlings clothes say they fit the Paola Reina dolls and I can’t get mine to work…

So I looked at those arms on Callie Rose again… they are SO close to her body and that it the problem… just as I initially realized when I first stood her beside Lian. If her arms would just come out a little bit in the under arm area, it would be fine… so I pulled them out just a little bit and put a piece of thin cardboard in the crack…just to see…

…and it helped somewhat, but I can’t leave a piece of cardboard under her arms..so I went back to Ebay and looked at the dolls again…

I saw some of the listings for the Paola Reina dolls said “New Body.” I wondered what that meant and then I saw it… This must be the new body… see the arms…how they come away from the body?

Below is a listing by another seller (in Russia) of the Paola Reina dolls, but it is the EXACT pictures of the doll I bought (from a seller in Florida)… I’m guessing MY seller used these pictures for HER listing, but I noticed she CUT off the body pictures when she did her listing…and only showed the head. I’m guessing she didn’t want to show the new body and may be trying to get rid of the old bodied dolls she has. *sigh* again!

Ebay listing of Paola Reina doll

When I saw that new style body and the older ones with the arms so close to their bodies, my heart just kind of sank and I think I decided right then and there I don’t need this aggravation of trying to get the dress to fit on new dolls and old style dolls. Their legs are kind of rubbery like too, and I imagine getting tights or thigh highs on them is next to impossible. I mean I’ve struggled with this dress most of the day and it’s 11:55 and I’m still not finished with the dress. So sorry to all of you who have Paola Reina dolls and thought you might get a dress from me for them… but I think I’ll finish this one dress and that will be it. There are no returns from the seller I bought her from, so I’ll have to sell her. I’ll probably wipe her faceup off because it’s not sealed…

So that was my day…
Hope my Saturday is better…

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

29 thoughts on “I think I’m going to pass on the Paola Reina dolls… :o(”

  1. Honey jenny Doll makers Paola Reina saddened many lovers of these dolls with the release of the latest bodies. We know three types of torso. Puppeteers call them “old body”, “new body” and “super new body”. I call it a little differently, but that doesn’t matter. In the newest dolls, in fact, the hand is so located that the sleeves are difficult to make. It is possible, but it is not as convenient and not as beautiful as it was possible before. You got it right! Little space at hand.
    I released patterns for dolls of the first and second kind, but I haven’t done the newest body yet. And there is no desire to work with them, but I will do this so that my magazines are sold to the owners of the newest issues.
    The first and second (especially the second) torso of Paol Rein’s dolls were closer to the Corolla dolls.
    I don’t know if it’s worth the time to work with such a doll. I will redo my patterns and switch to other dolls.
    I know the masters who have already made patterns on these new bodies. If you are interested, I can write links to their stores.

  2. And I also understand that dresses on dolls of different types cannot sit well. Dolls Little Darling and Paola Reina are different. I have both. If the dress is tight on the figure of the Little Dear, then it will not be put on Paola Reina. If the dress is loose on Little Darling, then maybe it will be worn on Paola Reina. But how beautiful will it be? It will be a little big for Little Darling.
    Also dresses for mini maru. If it is free on Little Darling, then it may be suitable for a mini Maru. If the dress is tight on the figure of the Little Dear, then it will not fasten on a mini Maru.

  3. This is a doll of the second type of bodies: https://i2.wp.com/www.idreamofjeannemarie.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Blog-2nd-Paola-Reina-doll-with-new-body.jpg?w=667&ssl=1
    You bought a doll with a third kind of body.
    Sorry to write so much. I loved Paola Reina very much and I had a lot of them, but I sold almost everyone because of the smell. I’m allergic to their smell. For a long time I can’t hold these dolls in my hands, unfortunately, but I managed to work with them a little. 🙂

    1. Thank you Oksana,
      I really really appreciate all you shared with us today. I learned SO much from you and feel for you with the task of having to revise the patterns you sell for the dolls.
      I did look on Etsy and saw the dress patterns for the Paola Reina dolls from Boosinkank. She must have one of the dolls with the arms that swing out a bit because they aren’t straight down by their sides.
      I am trying to get my doll listed on Ebay. Hopefully I’ll have her on there by this evening.
      I am sort of disappointed because I really thought she was cute…
      Thank you again for all your help.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Charlotte Trayer

    How nice of Susette to enhance that picture of you and George!! It turned out very well.
    Maybe you should print it off and frame it!

    How frustrating for you, Jeanne, to be working and reworking that dress! Sometimes we just have to “cut our losses”, so to speak, and move on.

    Thank you, Oksana, for all the information about the different bodies of the Paola Reina dolls. I had no idea there were three styles! I learned something new tonight!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Yep, I’m cutting my losses with Callie Rose and guess I’ll have to find a different doll to give that name to! But not right away… :o)
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. That just shows ya how much *I* keep up with the doll info…. I thought there were only 2 PR body types. I ‘missed’ a 3rd… :-/ Sorry you’re disappointed with them. The outfits I’ve been buying for mine are knitted ones… (since I don’t ‘enjoy’ knitting). Maybe they ‘fit’ differently? Knowing that there are 3 different types of bodies would make selling them a challenge for buyers to be happy with the expected ‘fit’, I suppose… :-/

    1. There is something comforting about this. Dresses stitched for Paola Reina dolls in the third form of the trunk will fit the dolls of early Paola Reina releases, but they will be a little loose on these dolls.
      Knitted clothes are easier. She can approach different dolls. I have dresses tied to old Paola Rhine dolls tight in shape. They can be pulled on new trunks, but they look more beautiful on those dolls for which the description on knitting by the author was made.

    2. Hi Mary,
      You know more than I did…I thought there was only one body type. From all that Oksana shared, we ALL got educated today, didn’t we?
      Since I don’t knit, I guess I better stay away from this doll…glad I didn’t BUY any shoes for her…now my Little Darlings don’t have to share.
      Thanks Mary,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Jeanne, well I didn’t know anything about the dolls but maybe the third time body is a charm? You sure spent a lot of time working on a darling dress but I think it is for the Darling, pun intended.
    Love your enhanced picture and it should be framed it is so nice! Smile!

    Oksana gave wonderful information on PR dolls but very useful to sewing for them. I would worry the end user might not like the fit if she has body 1 or 2 or 3 so definitely something to rethink for sure. I love their thick hair but would worry about if I would be allergic to the dolls too? Exceptionally informative blog of yours for sure! I will stick with Little Darlings now. Thank you for blazing a trail for us so we can choose to detour or press on. I hope you got a good night’s sleep last night after that battle!

    1. Hi Sandra,
      I guess we probably all learned something new today…I had no idea about the 3 different body types and because of that I’m listing my doll on Ebay…hopefully this evening.

      It’s too risky to make something you “think” will fit the dolls, but can’t be 100% certain. That’s not for me.
      Thanks Sandra,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I hear the frustration in your writing Jeanne. All of the information you’ve given as well as Oksana’s is helpful but I realize the frustration is still there. I hope today looks better for you.


    1. Hi Becky
      J hope I didn’t sound too whiney in my post today! I was very frustrated though.
      Today Callie Rose is making “another” debut…
      ON EBAY!! I’m trying to get her listed for this evening.
      Thanks Becky
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. When you receive an item you bought on eBay that is different from the pictures used for the listing, especially when they use stock pictures instead of pictures of the actual item, it constitutes misrepresentation. Contact the eBay Resolution Center by phone or send them an email, attaching the paragraphs above with pictures of the doll you received. The No Return clause does not apply when an item is misrepresented. I would attach your complete blog post to let them know how much trouble this caused.

    I have had this happen only a couple of times over the years and eBay is on your side in this type of case. When I reported an item one time, the Center representative let me know that the seller had a record of this kind of action and was “on probation” so to speak. It may take a little while, but you will either get your money back including shipping costs or the seller will be required to send a prepaid return address label and refund your account. There’s no reason not to report this problem. So sorry about all your efforts. I thought all of the dresses were “Darling.’

    1. Hi Susette,
      If I had paid more for my doll, I probably would have called Ebay. But the seller didnt actually “show” my dolls body…just her head so Ebay probably wouldn’t have sided with me.
      Plus I altered the doll with her faceup…the chalk pastels will have to stay on her face.
      I just hope to get back what I paid for her and I’m be happy. I’m trying to get her listed on Ebay.
      Thanks for the “fixed” picture. I love it.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. What Susette says is true. eBay is not the “Wild, wild, west” it used to be where anything goes and buyer beware.
    I think you made the right decision not to continue sewing for this doll. It would be aggravating for you, and could lead to the same situation for a buyer of an outfit you make which worked on your version of the Paola Reina but not theirs.
    There is a reason that Dianna Effner dolls sell for the price they do. Your doll clothes are exquisite in every way, including fit, and it seems to me that your work appeals to the buyer who appreciates quality in her dolls and in their clothes.
    You probably can get your money back, or sell the Paola Reina doll, so you invested very little money and one day’s time to learn a lot. I’d consider this experiment a success!
    Now about the blue dress. The bodice is stylish and well done; the skirt with the ruffle and row of lace not-so-much. All that detail detracts from the bodice, which is lovely.

    1. Hj Mary Sue
      You got that right when you said “it could be aggravating to you AND to anyone who bought something from me and it didn’t fit”. What s nightmare that might turn into.
      I’ll have to leave the skirt as is because I have no more fabric to cut another one. Maybe someone will like it.
      Thanks for sharing, Mary Sue
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. My goodness, what a lot of information so early in the morning, Jeanne! Well, now we all know maybe more than we needed to know about the Paola Reina dolls! Who knew there would be such a variation in the bodies? Well,now we know and thanks to you and Oksana! Maybe this was all for the best, since look how frustrating your day was.

    The dress is darling, and I am sure you will find someone it fits and looks good on. I think Lian looks good in it, and maybe a light haired doll?

    Thanks to Susette, the enhanced picture is so much better! She can work wonders!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I just told G6orge my story and read him my blog post for today…then Oksana’s responses… I think HE got more than he bargained for when he listened to me…
      I just listed Callie Rose on Ebay…it would be wonderful if she sells right away.
      I’ll finish the blue dress for Lian and all will be well in Jeanne’s sewing room.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Great information from Oksana. I’m sorry to hear about the difficulty with the doll bodies. Even Little Darlings have had their problems. Like the “green/gray” body versions that were used for awhile and the different arms/hands. I think the smell of the Paola Reina may be why one has not arrived here although, they are very cute. Susette’s idea of contacting Ebay may be in order. That said, I really like the navy dress and lace for Lian. Hope to see it on her Monday.

    When I saw the paper towel pattern, I had to laugh because I too spent the afternoon doing the same for a hat. Poor little dollies walking around with paper hats. The fabric is very thick so I will have to add some on both pieces and hope it works.

    Susette’s enhanced photo looks great and is now ready to hang in Jeanne’s hall of fame. 🙂

    Hope your weekend takes a brighter turn. So many dollies. So little time. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      I have Callie Rose listed on Ebay now and hopefully someone will fall in love with her. I had to leave her sunkissed as the chalk pastels couldn’t be wiped off. The eyelashes are back the way they were though.
      I just eliminated one doll from my sewing room…several more are getting the axe!!
      Callie is just getting the pump primed!!

      Lian is thrilled to get the dress all to herself now!!!
      Thanks Joy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. I’ve put my LD clothes on my Paola Reina doll and they fit fine so maybe I have a newer doll. I’ll have to check. But I did have this problem when making a dress for my Les Cheries. I used an LD pattern. The dress hangs from the shoulders with two pleated inserts in the front. I put small bows at the top of the inserts. While the dress is adorable and fits her well, because her arms are so close to her body, it messes with the bows unless I push her arms further back. But since I did not make it to sell, I can live with this. I’ll just keep it in mind for any future outfits I make her. I’m still glad she joined the family.

    I’m so sorry your Paola Reina did not turn out as you hoped. I’m so happy with mine and I hoped you would be with yours because I know you’ve been wanting one for awhile. But I sure do see your frustration with the dress.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I have been looking at the Paola Reina dolls for probably 2 months..trying to find out more about them, watching for the perfect one and then buying her. Who would have thought that armpits were the demise of my purchase?

      Oh well, it wasn’t too costly of a mistake and I certainly learned a lot!!! She’s listed on Ebay now and we’ll see what happens!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. I forgot to mention that my Paola Reina doll did come from overseas. Also, I mentioned yesterday that there definitely is a problem with tights on both the Paola Reina and Les Cheries dolls. My Les Cheries did have tights with her ballet outfit, but they are made out of tulle and that seems to work better.

    1. Barbara,
      Callie Rose has pretty rubbery vinyl legs…it’s a good thing I didn’t start with tights…I may have list my mind!!!
      Thanks again,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  14. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, oh my goodness I am so sorry to hear about this doll “bait and switch.” I know how it is to be excited about a doll and then to have the excitement fade.

    Thanks to you and Oksana for giving us information about these dolls.

    I would sell her too if I couldn’t return her. I believe that dolls should bring us joy. If they don’t, then they need to move on to other people.

    If you do finish a dress for her, you might consider donating the doll to a charity for a holiday auction or something.

    In the meantime, I can envision the dolls, in your sewing room, smiling down on you and sending you love.

    1. Hi Dorothy
      I don’t know what I would have done if she had been really expensive…I would have been, I can tell you that!!

      Well, I CERTAINLY wasn’t feeling “the joy” yesterday! She has been listed on Ebsy now and we’ll see how I feel when she sells!!

      Lian is the happiest… she gets the dress ALL to herself…or she thinks.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  15. Well drat drat…I was hoping you would be able to describe the dress for the Little Darling as fitting the PRtoo. It is always nice to reach a bigger customer base.
    Mine didn’t have an odor that I noticed..maybe my smeller is fading 🙂 I do love my little Asian girl and I did notice having a problem with getting the sleeve on right on a Boneka LD dress I put on her. Sorry you had to experience all the frustration. Your picture of the arm hole difference was amazing! Thanks for the demonstration on that.
    Hope the rest of your weekend is BETTER!💕

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I was hoping for the same thing too…sewing for 2 different dolls that can wear the same dress makes a lot of sense!!
      Uh…not this lady…
      I’m going to gave a party when she sells…poor little girl…I feel awful talking about her like this!! But not bad enough to keep her! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Your little one is adorable.
      Blessings, Jeanne

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